Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Tarot Reading on Kanadajin3 (aka Mira)

When the water of ones emotions are consumed by the fire of ambition they evaporate into steam. Hot, searing steam. And just as quickly as it burns.. it disappears as if it was never there.

How does I shot damage control?
There's been some internet dramaz going on recently that's caused quite a stir in the j-vlogging community on YouTube. Mira, aka Kanadajin3 and her niggas are apparently no longer best buds - the fallout of which has been all but completely made public via Twitter, YouTube, 2ch, and a message board titled "Pretty Ugly Little Liar" (or: PULL for shortsies). In the interest of keeping this post as focused on the reading as possible, I urge anyone who isn't aware  of what Mira has done to read more on the PULL messageboards, or watch the call-out video posted by Rachel (of the YouTube channel "Rachel and Jun"), that is if you give a shit, of course!

Essentially, TL;DR - Mira created a bunch of sock puppet accounts in an attempt to subvert and trash other j-vloggers (such as Micaela, Sharla, Rachel, and some other lesser known vloggers just starting out), many of which were on friendly terms with her on and offline. She was pretty much caught red-handed but refuses to admit culpability, refuting all allegations against her.

Whilst looking into this, I was suddenly inspired to do a reading on Mira. Why would she behave in such a way? Isn't she supposed to be friends with Sharla, Micaela and Rachel? What could she gain from such underhanded behaviour? I attempt to look into just that through the.. wait for it.. that's right! The Tarot.

Let's begin.

I asked the following question: How has Mira's sense of self-love/self-esteem been affected since arriving in Japan?
Mira's Celtic Cross Spread
Her current emotional state and the energy affecting this state are depicted through the reversed 9 of Swords and the reversed  10 of Wands. A release of pent up burden has finally been expelled - all the effort of carrying those wands has finally caused Mira to buckle under the weight and collapse. Her secrets have been revealed, which in some ways must be a relief to her and simultaneously be a source of incredible dread, given that many are watching the outcome play out in real time.

Below these two cards, we see the Knight of Wands. A man of pomp and flash, he's gung-ho and ready to go! He speaks to Mira's state of mind upon leaving for Japan from Canada: full of ambition and ready to face the adventure of moving on to a whole new continent, never mind a new country. There is a clear sense of excitement and anticipation for what's to come.  Oh, the best laid schemes of mice and men..

Upon teaming up with other vloggers in the community, she had already faced unexpected adversity (Many of us who follow Mira know this already). The man in the 9 of Wands stands at the ready, eyes wearily fixated on the eight wands that loom from behind the wall menacingly. He's battle-worn and ready for a fight. The question is: Who is this unseen enemy that stands behind the wall brandishing these wands? Is there anyone there at all? There is a feeling of paranoia. Seeing an adversary where one may not exist, or may no longer exist. In collaborating with her peers on YouTube, etc., was Mira expecting them to attack her in some way?

What was she running away from emotionally? There was something she was hiding beneath the facade she wears. One not unlike many of us. The World reveals the answer.. openness.. exposure of her self. Being naked for the world to see. She was avoiding showing her vulnerability. The softness buried under her quite brusque veneer.

She ran from the World and in doing so she had hopes to
cut herself free from the bondage of inferiority. The 8 of Swords reversed is a mirror into the mind of Mira. Upon gazing into this mirror we can see her desire to feel free, to feel grounded upon the earth. She wanted unhindered security without restriction. She is a damsel in distress hoping for rescue.

I designated a card position to explain how Sharla affected Mira's sense of self worth.  I chose Sharla because it seemed as though they were fairly close. I don't know much about their relationship aside from the energy of their collaborative videos and whatnots. And just how did Sharla influence Mira's self esteem?
The Queen of Wands steps forth beaming with radiant sunshine. A woman of this quality is one who encourages and uplifts. The big sister who's always got your back when you need it, and Sharla totally had Mira's back. She brought light and support. A true friend, I reckon..

At this rate, where can Mira expect to find her sense of self worth? Perhaps a little too obvious, the Magician
reversed relays a lack of confidence in his abilities. He shows us that Mira will be experiencing this. But not only that. She will know powerlessness. She may even find that she is unable to adequately care for herself. Attempts will surely be made, thought.. no doubt.

Over the summer I see Mira feeling pretty pleased with herself. She'll surround herself in  achievements that result in emotional comfort. Something will occur to cause her to well with a sense of pride, perhaps even in a confrontational way. We'll have to wait and see what that's all about, however..

Finally, we approach the ultimate outcome, and it sure is a doozy! The Tower. In the end much time will be needed if Mira wants to rebuild the Ivory Tower she took up residence in not so long ago. The Tower, struck down by the force of Nature, is now little more than a pile of smoldering rubble. And Mira? She must decide the worth in the daunting task of rebuilding it.. stone by stone. Another option exists. She can always walk away. But if the choice is to reconstruct it's imperative she understand the folly in repeating karmic mistakes.. otherwise the tower will continue to be stricken from existence again, and again.. until the lesson has been integrated properly.

~end of the first reading~

Follow-up Question (FUQ)

This Celtic Cross sure did give some insight. But, alas.. I needed more. So back to the breast I went to suckle just a bit more information out. As a follow-up to the Celtic Cross spread, I threw only 4 cards with the following question in mind:

What was Mira's motivation for the attempt to subvert her friends with sock puppet accounts. What was she trying to get out of this?

Every single card in this spread is a Cup. This reflects the depth of emotional attachment Mira has placed on fame. On acceptance. On winning. But above all, on her low opinion of herself.

She sought to bring them down to her level. Knock them off the throne. To dethrone the king(s). The king, in this case, being those of a higher rank than her. Of higher celebrity, if you will.

Mira was unwilling to see the gestures of sincerity these kings extended, preferring to focus on old hang ups that were and are no longer serving her. There was also niggling guilt which she ignored with determination. She was fixated on her perceived lesser value in comparison to her friends and peers. There is a stain in the emotional waters running within her.

She wanted more than what she had.  Much time was spent in a state of daydream. In the Seven of Cups there is a face of a woman. The face is translucent as though it is fading into nothingness. There is a figure standing inside of the cup next to her - a cloth draped over them - they're covered from view. A snake looms closer, readying itself for attack. A Tower stands off to the left. Notice the wreath of victory, and the skull embedded in that cup, admonishing in its wisdom.

I don't think Mira even realized why she did what she did. So much of her focus was on her belief of her of inferiority. She sees her life as more painful than her friends and peers of the vlogging community. She was and may still be ignorant of the sincerity her friends extended toward her.. the experience of a deeper, truer sense of camaraderie.

She ignored this and focused on the hate. The painful, gut-wrenching weight of the dark matter that commands so much of her energy.

She wanted to cover her friends, or should I say her competition, under the cloth we see in the 7 of Cups so that no one else could notice their existence. Then, in this way, she would have the top floor in the Ivory Tower. She would become the victor. Such temptations have thus driven her to do nasty things to people who have done little or nothing to deserve it.

"Why aren't they feeling pain like I am? Why are they on this throne? It's MY throne. It matters not who is the first to fall. So long as their fall brings about my rise, I care not one bit. Eventually I will be above them all."

And that, Mira, is why you were knocked from the Tower.

What damage have you endured to bring about such bitter, festering hatred for ones who reach their hand out to you with such purity? 

Please see the lesson in this experience. Don't  let the light inside of you become totally eclipsed by the darkness that feeds on your spirit.

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